Discover Dunwoody proudly announces Mela Rayne-Fernandez as the Quarter 4 recipient of the  Distinguished Production Associate Recognition Program for 2024. This quarterly initiative recognizes the valuable  contributions of behind-the-scenes professionals in the film and entertainment industry. Mela’s hard work, dedication,  and achievements make her a deserving recipient of this honor.  

Mela Rayne-Fernandez’s journey into the film industry began with a decision to follow her passion for storytelling. After a  successful career in the corporate world, she transitioned into the film industry during the 2008 housing market crash.  Mela took on bartending and waiting tables, which allowed her to volunteer at film festivals and connect with local  producers. Over the next few years, she produced commercials and music videos, and executive produced award winning short films. Her first feature, “Tiger Lily,” donated all proceeds to a national cancer foundation, reflecting her  commitment to using film for positive impact. 

In 2012, Mela’s career took a significant step forward when she joined the location department for the TV series “Devious  Maids.” Over the next 16 years, she has built an impressive career with over 47 credits, working on major productions like  “A Man in Full,” “Will Trent,” “Landscape with Invisible Hand,” and “They Cloned Tyrone.” Her recent projects include  “Flowervale Street” and “Thunderbolts,” both set to release in 2025. As a skilled Location Manager, Mela plays a key role  in ensuring smooth operations between production teams and local communities, fostering positive experiences for all  involved. 

Since being named the October 2024 Distinguished Production Associate, Mela’s career has continued to grow. In  December, she wrapped reshoots for Marvel’s “Thunderbolts,” set for release in 2025. She is also working on a new HBO  series, further showcasing her expertise in location management. 

Reflecting on this recognition, Mela shared, “I am incredibly honored to be recognized by Discover Dunwoody as the  Quarter 4 Distinguished Production Associate. As someone who has poured almost 2 decades of my life into a film career  and focused 99% of my work solely in Georgia it is rare that our specific job is given appreciation for the tireless effort we  pour into the local community. My goal as a location manager is to be a bridge between production and the community in  which we are filming. From the start of any production until its completion we are the sole contact for residents,  businesses and local government. I take tremendous pride in the relationships that I have developed throughout my years  in the community and work hard to make every film experience as pleasant and stress free as possible. I look forward to  continuing my work in Dunwoody and beyond for many years to come.” 

Mela Rayne-Fernandez exemplifies the mission of Discover Dunwoody’s Distinguished Production Associate Recognition  Program. Her dedication and achievements have made a positive impact on both the film industry and the communities  she works with. 

For more information about Discover Dunwoody and to nominate yourself or someone you know for the recognition  program, please visit WWW.DISCOVERDUNWOODY.COM/NOMINATION-FORM/ 

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